Dondottaz Scalp Micropigmentation specialist
About Us
DonDottaz scalp micro-pigmentation is the number 1 UK Sheffield based hair loss clinic that specialises in SMP otherwise known as a hair tattoo.
The clinic was founded and run by Alex Badger, master barber and BLENDZ PRO TEAM sponsored SMP artist.
All SMP treatments are carried out by myself using the absolute best products, equipment and techniques in the industry.
we only use BLENDZ pigment and EROS needles made by the art of smp specifically for ScalpMicroPigmentation
Hair colour is matched perfectly with pigment and blended with any existing hair.
Whether Male or Female, SMP is the ONLY guaranteed solution for pattern baldness, thinning hair, Alopecia and scaring.
After going bald at an early age i can relate to others suffering at any stage of hair loss! After having smp myself i can also relate to the life changing confidence boost gained from the treatment. It now gives me the most pleasure giving back confidence to all of our clients.
If you are interested in having the treatment you are in safe hands,
We work together to give you the most natural results taylored to every individuals preference .
Any hairline can be achieved -soft and natural hairlines or sharp barber edge ups and fades
all our work is fully satisfaction guaranteed!
SMP-Scalp Micro-pigmentation is a non-surgical procedure used as a remedy for thinning hair, receding hairline, and baldness.
Micropigmentation implants micro dots with a special pigment and super fine micro needle into the scalp which gives the appearance of hair follicles that are growing in the skin.

It will last 10 or more years depending on life style / sun exposure ect
No scalp is the same
Unlike traditional tattoo ink the pigment used will not change colour but will slightly fade over the years.
A top up session is recommended every 3 to 5 years depending on the desired look.
The price of treatment varies depending on the level of hair loss
A free consultation is offered to anybody interested in person or online.
Pictures of the head front, top, back and sides can be emailed or watsapped to us for a quote usually the same day.